🪞Run the screen

Install Screen

If you are running the project in 1 linux environment (which we recommend using), you may have difficulties running 2 processes at the same time (Frontend and Backend). To make your life easier, you can use Screen, it is a console application that allows users to open multiple separate terminal instances in a single terminal.

To install in your terminal, just use:

apt-get install screen -y

Once the Screen package is installed, verify the installed version of Screen using the following command:

screen --version


Screen version 4.08.00 (GNU) 05-Feb-20

How to Use the Screen Command

To create a new name session, run the following command:

screen -S backend

To exit from the screen session, run the following command:


To detach from the screen session, press CTRL+a followed by d.

To access a screen after having already created it, just write:

screen -r -x NameScreen

We recommend that you create a Screen with the name of backend and another with the name of frontend. This will make your life a lot simpler to eventually access these screens.

References: https://www.atlantic.net/vps-hosting/how-to-install-and-use-the-screen-command-ubuntu-20-04/

Last updated